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Campuses of Care - Innovative Seniors Housing in British Columbia (BC)- Campuses of Care consist of independent living units, assisted living and residential care. Many have units that are government subsidized. A goal of these developments is to cerate a community where residents and staff support one another.
Caring for the Caregiver: Avoiding Caregiver Burnout (CA)- It's most important that the caregiver, care for themselves as much as their loved one. First and foremost they must communicate with medical personnel, family, friends and their support network.
How to Make the Transition to Retirement Living Easier (CA)- The reality is that moving to a retirement home ranks among one of the more difficult things anyone has to raise and discuss with someone they care about.
Key Factors When Selecting a Retirement Residence (CA)- What are the most important things to look for when searching for a retirement home?
Relocation Basics and Downsizing Tips (CA)- Deciding to relocate a senior to a retirement home can be a monumental decision and can involve an tremendous drain on relationships and one's own emotional well-being.
Retirement Home Regulation in British Columbia (BC)- British Columbia is the first province in Canada to regulate Assisted Living Residences, the category under which many retirement residences fall. There is no regulation governing Independent Living Residences.
Senior Housing Options in British Columbia (BC)- Seniors in British Columbia wishing to relocate from their current home have several options available to them depending on their care needs and available monthly income.
What Does Retirement Living Cost (CA)- For someone on basic pensions choice is limited to seniors buildings that are rent geared to income or long term care - this is unfortunate because there are a whole group of people that fall between the cracks here.
Supportive Living Regulation in Alberta (AB)- The Accommodation Standards for Supportive Living in Alberta are mandatory for all retirement home settings with 4 or more residents and cover 8 distinct areas with several standards within each category.
Ontario Health atHome (ON)- The 14 Ontario Health atHome regions, created by the government of Ontario, are not-for-profit orgaizations with the responsibility of planning, integrating, funding and delivering health care services in the province. Each Ontario Health atHome works with health service providers (e.g. hospitals, community health centres, long-term care, support services, mental health and addiction services) within their defined area.
Manitoba's 'Aging in Place' Strategy (MB)- For Manitoban Seniors who do not want to consider relocation to a retirement or long-term care home, there are a few options that may be available to you provided that your care needs do not exceed the services that are available. With the goal of allowing seniors the opportunity to remain in their own community to 'age in place', Manitoba's provincial government has created options to support this objective.
Home Care and Housing Options for Seniors in Saskatchewan (SK)- home care services and various housing options are available for seniors in Saskatchewan
Housing Options for Seniors in Nova Scotia (NS)- There are several available housing options for seniors in Nova Scotia currently.
Nova Scotia Housing Authority (NS)- Contact Information for all branches
Alberta Seniors Communities and Housing Association - ASCHA (AB)- Alberta Senior Citizens' Housing Association
Innovative Seniors' Housing Options (CA)- We know that the number of seniors is growing to previously unseen proportions and, as a result, there will be a need to develop many different kinds of housing solutions that will meet the needs of many with different budgets and care needs, while allowing people to remain active and independent for as long as possible.
Achieving Quality Care in Retirement and Long Term Care Homes in Ontario (ON)- Relocating your loved one to a care facility is a difficult, stressful and emotional process. Finding the best place that can provide quality care for your loved one, takes time, tremendous effort and, even then, until they are settled in, worry prevails. Helping them adjust to their new home and ensuring that the care they receive is good are the main issues of concern once the move has happened.
Helping a Senior Adjust to their New Retirement Home (CA)- Change can be difficult for anyone under any circumstance and moving, often leaving a place tied to special memories and people, is one of the more stressful situations one has to deal with. Moving into a retirement community can present added challenges as there will be a new routine and many new people to get to know.
Important Documents Every Senior Should Have Easy Access To (CA)- One never knows when crisis will hit and you or someone other than yourself will need access to your important documents, but not have the time or ability to search for them. Be it an unexpected illness, hospitalization or something else - a purse can get stolen or lost, a home can get broken into....
The Retirement Homes Act, 2010 (Ontario) (ON)- If you or someone you love lives in a retirement home in Ontario, you should know that there will be new protections available under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010, which received Royal Assent on June 8, 2010.
Working Caregivers - Balance or Burn Out (CA)- Putting the words "caregiving", "work" and "life balance" into the same sentence is almost comical. Yet it is no joke to manage all three at the same time. It is very hard, focussed work to be the caregiver that you think you need to be, productive in the workplace and still have time in your life to enjoy other things and other people.
Government of Canada Seniors' Benefits (CA)- As a Canadian, do you know what pensions you are eligible for through our government?
When Is It Time To Discuss Care or Relocation with a Senior Loved One (CA)- The aging process for some is gradual and for others seemingly sudden. Caregivers need to watch, look and listen for signs that things are changing and needs are increasing.
Co-operative Housing for Seniors (CA)- Also known as co-op housing, it is a kind of non-profit housing in which the residents or members are actively and equally involved in making decisions and running the community they live in.
Senior Co-housing (CA)- Cohousing specifically for seniors has only been around for a few years and was developed because of the benefits discovered from multi-generational cohousing occurring in Europe and parts of the USA.
Home Sharing (ON)- For those who want to age in place in their own home, and believe they can benefit from having someone else around to help out, home sharing may be a viable solution.
Luxury Senior Condominium Complexes (CA)- Another housing opportunity for independent seniors is essentially a combination of retirement living and condominium ownership.
Adult Lifestyle Communities (CA)- Primarily for the younger (usually 55+) and completely independent senior or mature adult, these communities are commonly built in outskirt area.
What's the Difference Between Retirement Homes, Seniors Buildings and Long-Term Care in Ontario (ON)- People attempting to determine the type of care they need for themselves or a loved one are often unaware of, or confused by, the difference in terminology with respect to levels of care.
Supportive Housing in Ontario (ON)- Some seniors' rental apartment buildings offer something called supportive housing services. This means that, if required, minimal to moderate care through personal support and/or homemaking services is available to residents.
Ontario's Residential Tenancies Act (ON)- Retirement Residences fall under the definition of "care homes" in the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. Most of the same rules that apply to rental units also apply to care homes, but there are some additional rules that are specific to this type of housing.
A Quick Guide to Healthy Aging (CA)- After years of hard work, it's time to reap the benefits. Likely, you have more time now to do the things you love, such as traveling, visiting loved ones, and pursuing your passions. However, as we age, we may be at a greater risk for a number of physical and mental illnesses. While we are unable to control our chronological age, there is increasing evidence to suggest that age is, in fact, just a number. Your chronological age does not have to determine your health, mobility, or happiness. Leading a healthy and active lifestyle can make you happier and healthier now and in the future. Keep reading to learn more.
Tips For Finding a Retirement Home In Ontario (ON)- We all want the best quality of life during our retirement years. Whether you're planning for your own future or for your parents', making wise choices is essential for enjoying this life stage.
Retirement Home vs. Long-Term Care In Ontario: What's The Difference (ON)- Planning for your future or a loved one's can be stressful. There are many factors to consider, like budget, lifestyle and care needs. It's a smart idea to have a plan in place early on, so when the time comes the transition is easier.  
Who Decides When You Can't: The Importance of Having a Power Of Attorney (ON)- Personal Choice. Self-determination.  Your right to decide about your own care; where you want to live; what you want to eat; who you want to look after you; where to spend your money "these choices and our ability to make them for ourselves, allow us to feel in control of our own life. They are the things most people take for granted; the things we think we will always be able to do for ourselves. But, what if one day you can't?"
Inside Retirement Homes (CA)- It's surprising how many people have no idea or have the wrong impression, of what a retirement home is like. Many assume that retirement homes are the same as long-term care homes - which they most definitely is not!
Seniors Living with Family (CA)- It's difficult for most people to consider moving their loved ones into a "care setting". Many "˜boomers" grew up watching their parents provide care for their grandparents and either it was an assumption or expectation, that when the time came, they would do the same.
Bridging the Gap: How to Communicate Your Concerns to Your Elder Loved One (CA)- You might be working through it now; or maybe it's a friend going through it. Either way, it can be so difficult, for everyone involved. And it doesn't need to be. We're talking about the communication breakdown that happens when someone thinks it's time for mum and dad to move out of the family home, and they don't want to.
DownSizing Made Easy (ON)- The process of Downsizing was a mix of good experiences and bad ones. The decision to actually do something about it was probably the most difficult.
Seniors Real Estate: Agents trained in working with Older Adults (ON)- When those 'young at heart'™ consider a real estate transition, who do they turn to? For the past 10 years the Accredited Senior Agent™ program has been educating Canadian REALTORS® in many areas considered important by older adults as they decide on possibly their most important move. The Accredited Senior Agent program has been transitioned to include additional service providers and is now known as Lifestyle55+ Affiliate Program
Home and Safety Modifications (ON)- Many independent seniors have some minor mobility, hearing or vision issues which can increase their risk of a trip, fall or accident at home. It is always wise to ensure that the home is safe, especially if the senior has any deficits or functional issues.
Subsidized Independent Senior Housing in BC (BC)- In BC, subsidized housing (rent geared to income) for those with a limited income is available through BC Housing.
Subsidized Independent Senior Housing in Ontario (ON)-
Subsidized Independent Senior Housing in Saskatchewan (SK)-
What is a Reverse Mortgage (CA)- If you are over 55, own and live in your own home, an additional option may be available to you that allows you to tap into the equity in your house.
Life Lease/Life Equity Housing in Ontario (ON)- A Life Lease or Life Equity property is primarily used in the not-for-profit sector to increase housing options for the senior market, and involves ownership but not in the traditional ‘condominium-style’ that most are familiar with.
Saskatchewan Health Authority (SK)-
Retirement Residences in Ontario (ON)- Retirement residences and communities (also called retirement homes) are ideal for older persons in relatively good health who may have minimal or moderate care needs and cannot (or do not want to) be in their own homes.
Assisted Living and Regulation in BC (BC)-
The British Columbia Seniors Living Association - BCSLA (BC)-
Supportive Living and Regulation in Alberta (AB)-
Personal Care Homes in Saskatchewan (SK)-
Long-Term Care in Ontario (ON)- If your care needs can no longer be met in the community or retirement home level does not appear to provide adequate care, you/your loved one may require a long-term care home. Long-term care homes (formerly called Nursing Homes) are licensed, regulated and funded by provincial government.
Long-Term Care in Alberta (AB)-
Long-Term Residential Care Homes in British Columbia (BC)-
Special Care Homes in Saskatchewan (SK)-
What Does Long Term Care Cost (CA)- Nursing home/Long-Term Care across Canada varies in terms of terminology and cost factors. Long-term care is regulated & monthly rates are determined by each provinces' Ministry of Health. Every province determines what their rates are, when they are increased and by how much and what subsidies are available for those below the income level of the minimum accommodation rates.
How Much Does it Cost to Live in a Retirement Home (CA)- Do you know what it costs to live in a retirement home ? Through significant research we have created a table of costs across Canada where our users can get an approximate idea of what it would cost to reside in a retirement home setting.
How Much Does In-Home Care Cost Per Hour (ON)- This article targets families seeking information on the varying costs of home care in Canada - both skilled nursing and non-medical assistance.
Subsidized Housing for Seniors in PEI (PE)- There are senior citizens’ public housing units in 34 communities across PEI.
Moving Into Retirement Living During COVID-19 (CA)- Making the decision to move to a senior living community can be challenging at the best of times. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this decision even more difficult. There are many things you can do to ensure that your loved one adjusts to their new surroundings.
Managing the Emotional Journey from Home to Senior Living (CA)- Moving a loved one from the family home into a congregate living setting can be a very challenging and emotional transition for everyone in the family.
What is a Personal Support Worker (CA)- They wear scrubs. Different colours & patterns, with enough pockets to hold a pen, gloves and anything else they may need to help them with their job.
Should I Move into a Retirement Home Now or Later (ON)- Should I move now or later is a seemingly simple question but, it in fact, requires a complex and dynamic response.
Long-Term Care Home Complaints in Ontario (ON)- All long-term care homes must be settings where residents feel safe and secure and have all of their needs met.
What is a Caregiver and How is Their Health Impacted (CA)- Caregivers may include family members and other people who provide support to a person in need. It is estimated in 2021, over 3.3 million residents of Ontario provide some level of care to a family member or friend with a chronic mental or physical illness or disability. Long-term caregiving may cause you chronic stress or other symptoms of stress if it is not addressed. More than half of caregivers between the ages of 45 years old to 65 years old will have to juggle work and caregiving responsibilities to a loved one and this may result in disruptions at their work.
The 7 Signs of Caregiver Burnout (CA)- Caregiving can be extremely difficult, both emotionally and physically. Because of this, it's important to know and understand the many signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout so that you can take a break or get some help before it escalates and you are unable to provide that very important care to a loved one.
Elder Care Planning and Financial Life Transitions (ON)- With the exception of divorce and funeral arrangements, discussing long-term or elder care planning tends to be one of the most contentious or avoided issues a family faces. But, yet, such planning shouldn’t be an eleventh-hour decision as mistakes can happen and opportunities are lost.
What is a Life Lease Property (CA)- When looking at starting the next stage in your life, the golden years, as it is so often called, you’ll be considering options such as assisted living, retirement communities, and even nursing homes (depending on your situation).  One option that you don’t often hear about, but is a great idea for those who qualify, is a life lease. 
Luxury Retirement Homes (CA)- Who wouldn't want to live somewhere luxurious when looking specifically for retirement homes?  After all, if you’re going to look at uprooting your life and settling it permanently in a seniors' residence, why not go all out if you can afford it? 
How to Find a Downsizer (CA)- Downsizing from a large home to a smaller one (or a retirement setting) can be both physically difficult and extremely emotionally overwhelming, especially if you have lived in the same place for many years with possessions spread out throughout your home and furniture you need to dispose of. 
How to Find a Home Health Care Agency (CA)- Locating a home health care company is not always an easy task.  The decision to go this route for a loved one is loaded with meaning, emotional difficulty, and then lots of practical issues that make it all the more challenging
What to Do When Aging Parents Need Help (ON)- Aging parents may need help at some point in their lives, despite what they may want you to believe. The actual help and support that you can provide for your parents will vary depending on your own situation as well as their situation and needs (medical and otherwise).
Understanding How to Help Mom and Dad (CA)- Kids always see their parents as superheroes, but as they age, that belief shifts, especially when they start to need more help.  When trying to understand exactly how you can help them, you need to really take a moment and figure out what form that help should, and will, take.
The Right Place for Mom and Dad -- What are the Options (ON)- Our parents' age and need help, no matter how much we may not wish for them to.  Part of your responsibility as their child is to make sure that they are always cared for in the best way possible.  When it comes to Mom, do you know what the options are for a safe and enjoyable place to live? 
Mindfulness Practice – Helping Caregivers Survive and Thrive (CA)- Developing a practice of Mindfulness can help to combat the harmful effects of stress and allow us to stay connected to our purpose.
Developing a Canadian Seniors' Service Directory (CA)- Find senior services in your city - FREE search! The service provider directory is available for all Canadian families
Why Consider Memory Care for a Loved One with Dementia (CA)- This article will explain how it benefits those with dementia, and how it differs from an assisted living community.
Is There a "Right" Time to Move to Assisted Living (CA)- If you are interested in making a move to assisted or retirement living, or require more information about the process, SeniorCareAccess Consultants are here to help
Real Estate for Seniors: The Five Most Important Things to Ask (CA)- Asking the right questions is equally as important, so ask your real estate agent the following:
Top 4 Reasons why older adults should have a Living Estate Sale (ON)- The following are just some of the reasons why older adults should consider a living estate sale:
Don’t Get Down about Downsizing: A Senior’s Shifting Real Estate Guide to declutter and keep your most cherished memories. (ON)- The prospect of leaving behind treasured family memories can be traumatic for anyone at any age. For seniors, it’s especially challenging to contemplate sorting through decades of possessions, deciding what to save and what to let go of.
Choosing a Retirement Home (CA)- The following tips will help make the transition as smooth and enjoyable as possible:
Online advertising sales person (CA)- Job posting! Interested in selling for us? Discover if you've got what it takes.
4 Ways to Boost Mental Health in Seniors (CA)- Older adults can improve their mental health and boost their mood by engaging in the following activities:
5 Most Nutritious Foods for Elderly Adults (CA)- The foods you eat will directly impact your health, so you must include nutritious foods into your diet. While this is important at any age, it is crucial for elderly adults.
How to Support a senior after a Move to a Retirement Home (ON)- Moving into a retirement home is not easy, and seniors will need support as this kind of transition is a significant step. Read on to learn more. FAQs (CA)- There are many questions people have when they embark on a search for a retirement home. These FAQ's are based on common questions for those beginning their search.
Canada's Seniors' Search Engine (CA)- Discover Canada's largest unbiased seniors' housing and service provider directory
Retirement Home Cost Calculator (CA)- Find the true cost of living in a retirement community vs. living in your own home. Use our free calculator. If you need any additional assistance please connect with us through our SeniorCareAccess Consulting program.
An Expedition in Decluttering – A New kind of Archeology (ON)- Have you ever thought of involving your grandchildren in decluttering or downsizing? We all ‘collect’ stuff over the years. And sometimes, the more space we have, the more we hide away in unused spaces. Out of sight, out of mind! When it comes to moving or simply decluttering our spaces, we suddenly find things long forgotten. And while some items are no longer useful or don’t bring us joy, I have learnt that they may bring others happiness and provide a legacy for younger generations.
Introducing the Don Mills Retirement Residence (ON)- Don Mills Retirement Residence is a luxury senior living community in the heart of North York. The Don Mills neighbourhood is an eclectic mix of urban and suburban in the North York district of Toronto, where culture, world-class shopping, food and more are at your fingertips.
Getting Organized: The Most Important Documents To Have at the Ready (ON)- It’s not something anyone wants to really think about, but if something happens and your family needs to access your important records, would they know where to find them?
Getting Organized: The Documents You Need Before You Die (ON)- As we age and go through life changes, we need to ensure that our important documents are updated as needed.
Getting Organized: The Death Dossier (ON)- Having a place where all your important documents are gathered is vital should anything happen that will require your loved ones to access anything.
Which Is Better for Senior Retirement Living: Buying or Renting (CA)- To make a decision, you must consider multiple factors. In retirement, owning a home has a lot of advantages, but renting also has its advantages.
Seniors Downsizing: Top 10 Things Boomers and Seniors Should Know (ON)-  Downsizing is about making do with less. Less can be more. Rather than devoting your time and energy to maintaining your home, you may find yourself devoting more of your time and energy to enjoying it.
Features to Look for When Buying a Home as a Senior (CA)- When buying a home as a senior, there are certain features you must look for. Read on to learn more.
How to Choose a Seniors’ Real Estate Agent (CA)- Seniors' Real Estate Agents such as Lifestyle55+ Affiliates and Lifestyle55+ MASTERS accommodate the needs of their clients, and the following guide will help you select the right agent:
Exciting Activities for Oakville Seniors (CA)-
Senior-Friendly Activities in Mississauga (CA)- The article discusses retirement homes in Mississauga and senior-friendly activities that you will love there. Read further to learn more.
Retirement Homes in Niagara Falls Ontario: A guide to finding the right one. (CA)-
Delmanor Wynford - Luxury Retirement Living in North York (ON)-
Seniors Real Estate in Toronto, Ontario: How REALTORS with a Lifestyle55+ Affiliate designation can help seniors manage their housing options. (ON)-
Care Over Distance: Helping Isolated Seniors Navigate Daily Challenges (CA)- For those who want to help senior loved ones navigate the challenges of daily life, the online space has opened up all kinds of opportunities. Whether you want to assist with daily chores, help them connect to old friends or seek out the best care plan, the internet can provide. Today, Senior Care Access shares some resources to get you started.
3 Tips for Helping One Parent Who Needs a Nursing Home and Another Who Doesn't (CA)- If one of your parents needs assisted living or long-term care, your family has likely been processing this transition for a while. You may anticipate speaking with your aging parent about transitioning out of their home, finding activities that they enjoy in the facility, and packing belongings in the downsizing process. What happens, though, when one parent needs nursing home care or medical assistance on a daily basis --- and the other parent doesn't?
When Aging Parents Don’t Want Help (CA)- Have ever heard your parent say, “I don’t need help”, “We are fine” or “You will have to carry me out in a box”? If so, you are not alone. Adult children often have different opinions about how their aging parents are doing. It can be challenging to manage these differences. You may feel helpless, angry, or frustrated; expecting a crisis that will force a change.
Redefining Luxury - Discover Delmanor: Ontario Retirement Communities and Assisted Living (ON)- In the ever-evolving landscape of senior living, Delmanor shines as a beacon of luxury and care. With multiple upscale retirement communities throughout Ontario, Canada, Delmanor isn't merely a provider of senior apartments—it's a purveyor of enriched lifestyles.
Kitchener Waterloo Seniors Discover Resort-Style Retirement Living – Hygate on Lexington (ON)- Staying healthy and active in retirement is key to maintaining independence and quality of life as you age. For Seniors in the Waterloo region, a wonderful option to remain in the community while staying active is a great new retirement residence - Hygate on Lexington.
Junk Removal and Decluttering: Enhancing your Safety and Peace of Mind (CA)- It becomes increasingly important as we age to create a safe and enjoyable living environment for ourselves, our loved ones, and our friends. However, the things in our lives can build up in our living space and pose overwhelming challenges for us in our golden years. Junk removal services can be a valuable resource, helping you declutter your homes and improve safety, convenience, and peace of mind so you can spend valuable time with those who matter to you.
Downsizing and Decluttering: How a Junk Removal Service Can Help (CA)- Retiring offers a vibrant new chapter in your life filled with comfort, convenience, and social opportunities. It can, however, come with a big move to an exciting retirement centre with a bustling community, but that does mean there will be downsizing and decluttering.
Moving and Downsizing Tips for Seniors (CA)- Entering the golden years, many seniors find themselves facing a powerful and life-changing decision to downsize their homes. This can initially feel overwhelming, it is also an opportunity to simplify our lives and create a more manageable living environment.
Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit with a Disability (CA)- There are plenty of reasons to get and stay fit, even if you have a disability. Exercise can improve your mood, help you maintain a healthy weight, fight off chronic diseases, and boost your energy levels.
Empowered Seniors Speaker Series: Enhancing Senior Living (CA)- Marion Goard - Lifestyle55+ MASTER REALTOR delivers the Empowered Seniors Speaker Series
Essential Tips for Simplifying Garbage Removal for Your Elderly Relative (CA)- This article provides practical tips to help your elderly relatives manage this task more effectively and maintain their independence.
Navigating the Home Selling Process: A Guide for Seniors (CA)- As we age, our needs and circumstances change, and sometimes, this means selling our homes. Here's what every senior should know about selling their homes.
Engaging Hobbies for Seniors in Retirement Homes (CA)- For seniors living in retirement homes, a plethora of hobbies can contribute to a fulfilling lifestyle while promoting overall health and wellness. Here's a deeper look into some engaging hobbies that seniors can enjoy.
Debunking Myths About Senior Living: A Closer Look at Retirement Homes (CA)- Let's delve deeper and debunk some of these common myths, shedding light on the reality of senior living.
Comprehensive Guide to Retirement Living in Canada: Insights, Amenities, Care, and Costs (CA)- Retirement homes in Canada, also known as senior living communities or assisted living facilities, cater to seniors who require assistance with daily activities but wish to maintain their independence. This article provides an overview of retirement homes in each Canadian province, focusing on the costs, amenities, care, differences between public and private homes, application processes, licensing bodies, and potential additional charges.
The Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA): A Guide to Ontario's Retirement Housing Regulator (ON)- The Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA) is a beacon of trust for families seeking a secure and caring environment for their elderly loved ones in Ontario.
A Guide to Long-Term Care in Canadian Provinces: Costs, Wait Times, and Application Agencies (CA)- Long-term care in Canada is a vital support system for individuals needing ongoing assistance due to aging, health conditions, or disabilities.
Seniors Real Estate Training (CA)- Seniors Real Estate training for Canadian REALTORS
Marketing to Seniors - Seniors Real Estate in Canada (CA)- Discover how to market to seniors as seniors real estate
How Much Does It Cost to Live At Delmanor Retirement Communities (CA)- Discover the cost of living at one of the six Delmanor Retirement Communities
How to Advertise My Seniors Business: Top 25 ideas to market your business (CA)- An article discussing how Canadian businesses can market to seniors
Discover the best seniors rental options in Guelph Ontario SeniorCareAccess (ON)- Locate seniors housing rental options in Guelph, Ontario.
How to market my retirement home (CA)- A report on marketing strategies for retirement home marketers
Art Therapy A Guide to Healing And Expression In Vancouver (BC)- A description about Art therapy, what is it? Who can benefit? and How to Access Art Therapy in Vancouver
Retirement Homes in Mississauga An Overview (ON)- An overview of Retirement Homes in Mississauga. Search for a home now!
The POWER of Niche Directories (CA)- Marketing to the senior sector has its challenges and for retirment homes and seniors' service providers, the best option is to be listed on a Seniors Directory.
Guide to Different Senior Housing Options (CA)- Senior living offers a diverse range of options. From independent living communities to specialized palliative care, understanding each type is essential for making an informed decision.
Assisted Living vs. Independent Living: What's the Difference (CA)- This article delves into the differences between assisted and independent living, helping you make an informed decision about the next chapter of your life.
Discovering an Adult Lifestyle in Yorkville, Toronto. Vivien Sharon (ON)- Vivien Sharon -Lifestyle55+ MASTER REALTOR talks about the unique experiences older adults have within the Luxury of Yorkville - Toronto's premium neighbourhood
Seniors Housing. A detailed explanation of what is available (CA)- A detailed overview of the Housing Option categories for Canadian seniors and older adults.
Home Care in Toronto (ON)- An article about Home Care services in Toronto Ontario
Working in Retirement: The Best Jobs and How to Thrive (CA)- Retirement doesn't have to mean the end of your working life. Many seniors choose to continue working in some capacity even after they retire from their full-time careers. Whether it's to supplement their income, keep their mind active, or simply because they enjoy it, many factors make working in retirement a popular choice
Building a Life Together: Essential Guide for Senior Couples (CA)- As senior couples embark on the journey of marriage and building a life together in their golden years, they are faced with unique challenges and opportunities.
Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities - NORC (CA)- Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) are a growing phenomenon in Canada, reflecting a broader trend towards aging in place. Unlike traditional retirement communities that are built specifically for seniors, NORCs evolve organically as a significant number of residents within a community age together. These communities can be found in diverse settings, from urban apartment blocks to suburban neighborhoods and rural areas. This article explores the concept of NORCs in Canada, highlighting examples and discussing their implications for aging populations.
Delmanor West Village - independent senior living in Islington Village, Etobicoke (ON)- Delmanor West Village, formerly Tapestry At Village Gate - redesigned and now available for seniors in Etobicoke as assited living in Etobicoke and independent living in Etobicoke
The Effects of Isolation On Older Adults (Seniors) (CA)- In this article we share details about the impacts isolation has on seniors, older adults and the aging population
Hear Clearly Again: Advanced Hearing Aids for Speech-in-Noise at Hearing Well Matters! (ON)- Regain clarity and improve your understanding of speech in noisy environments with advanced hearing aids from Hearing Well Matters in Burlington. Free hearing tests available!
Don't Let Hearing Loss Hold You Back: Get Help at Hearing Well Matters in Burlington (ON)- "Discover expert hearing care at Hearing Well Matters, a trusted hearing clinic in Burlington offering FREE hearing tests. Improve your quality of life with personalized hearing solutions and advanced hearing aids. Schedule your appointment today!"
Maintain Optimal Hearing with a Balanced Diet: Essential Nutrients for Your Ears (ON)- Learn how essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to good hearing health. Discover tips for maintaining a balanced diet for optimal ear function.
What is Tinnitus (ON)- Hear ringing in your ears? Tinnitus is a common condition. Learn about causes, symptoms, and treatment options, including Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. If you're in Burlington, Ontario, contact Hearing Well Matters for a hearing assessment.
Sharp Hearing, Steady Steps: How Hearing Aids Reduce Fall Risk in Older Adults (ON)- Hearing loss can increase your risk of falling, a leading cause of injury in older adults. Hearing aids may help! This article explores how hearing aids can reduce fall risk and what to do if you experience hearing loss.
The Lifesaving Connection: How Regular Hearing Aid Use Can Significantly Lower Mortality Risk (ON)- Explore the revolutionary study linking regular hearing aid use to a 24% reduction in mortality risk. Understand how consistent use can extend your life.
The Latest Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology in Canada (ON)- Explore the latest advancements in hearing aid technology in Canada. Discover Bluetooth integration, rechargeable batteries, smartphone apps, and more to enhance your auditory experience. Learn how modern hearing aids transform everyday listening in real-world settings. Visit top Canadian hearing care providers for tailored hearing solutions
Revolutionizing Elderly Cognitive Health: Insights from the ACHIEVE Study on Hearing Aids (ON)- Explore the ACHIEVE study's discovery on how hearing aids significantly slow cognitive decline in elders. Understand the impact of hearing interventions on brain health and social well-being.
Hearing Aids: A Key to Prolonging Brain Health and Cognitive Functions (ON)- Explore the impact of hearing aids on cognitive health: how they may protect and enhance brain function in the elderly, delay dementia onset, and improve life quality.
Retirement Living in Codrington, Ontario: Embracing Tranquility and Adventure (ON)- Discover why Codrington, Ontario, is a haven for retirees, offering tranquility, cultural immersion, and an active lifestyle. Explore activities, amenities, and the comforts of Golden Pond Retirement Home in this idyllic destination.
Golden Pond Retirement Residence: A Serene Haven in Codrington, Ontario (ON)- Discover the serene Golden Pond Retirement Residence in Codrington, Ontario, offering a harmonious blend of nature and comfort. Nestled near Brighton, this premier senior living community provides modern amenities, personalized care, and a vibrant lifestyle for an enriching retirement experience.
Downsizing in Scarborough and North York, Toronto. The Emotional Journey (ON)- A downsizing journey in Scarborough and North York
Retirement Community Living for Seniors in North York and Scarborough (ON)- Seniors Real Estate shares details about retirement living in Scarborough and North York
Memory Care Transitions - Adult Children’s Role (ON)- jacqueline Manitaros - Seniors Real Estate, speaks about memory care and the adult children
A Senior’s Guide to Decluttering Before Selling your North York or Scarborough Home (ON)- Jacqueline Manitaros speakes about decluttering before selling your North York or Scarborough home
How to Make Moving Stress-Free for Kids: Tips for a Smooth Transition (ON)- Discover essential tips for making moving stress-free for your kids. Learn how to involve children in the moving process, keep their routines consistent, plan fun activities, help them stay connected with friends, and provide them with a special place in the new home for a smooth transition
Essential Tips for Seniors Downsizing: Simplify the Move to a Smaller Home (ON)- Discover essential tips for seniors downsizing to a smaller home. Learn how to start early, make a plan, get organized, seek help, be realistic about your new home, take advantage of community resources, and embrace the change. Ensure a smooth transition with the help of a real estate broker.
10 Questions to Ask When Assessing A Retirement Home (ON)- Discover the essential questions to ask when choosing a retirement home. From assessing the vibe and menu to understanding safety measures and financial commitments, ensure your retirement living is a grand adventure. Get expert insights to find your perfect retirement community with ease.
Home HealthCare Services in Mississauga: Your Comprehensive Guide by SeniorCareAccess (ON)- Talking about the unique services related to home care in Mississauga
Activities Of Daily Living - Understanding the need (CA)- SeniorCareAccess talks about the need to understand the Activities of daily living for new caregivers or family members
Cedarhurst Dementia Care Home in North York, Toronto (ON)- Cedarhurst Dementia Care Home in North York, Toronto is a sponsor on SeniorCareAccess
Maplewood Retirement Community: Ottawa's Premier Senior Living Options with SeniorCareAccess (ON)- Maplewood Retirement Community - Ottawa offers a comprehensive detail of its property and services for seniors in Ottawa
Oakpark Retirement Community in Ottawa - Discover more with SeniorCareAccess (ON)- Oakpark Retirement Community as listed on
Seniors Real Estate Training for Canadian REALTORS (CA)- Discover comprehensive seniors real estate training programs for Canadian REALTORS® at Equip yourself with advanced knowledge and skills to excel in serving the unique needs of the aging population. Our Lifestyle55+ Affiliate and Lifestyle55+ MASTERS courses offer in-depth insights into downsizing, age-in-place strategies, and tailored real estate services for seniors. Enhance your expertise and become a trusted advisor in the growing market of seniors real estate. Register now and transform your real estate career with specialized training designed by industry experts.
Senior Entrepreneurs Can Use These Tips For Effective Marketing (CA)- Embarking on a business venture as a senior entrepreneur is both thrilling and challenging. A solid marketing strategy is crucial to navigate this landscape successfully and ensure the longevity of your business.
Emerald Retirement Residence: Discover Niagara Falls, Ontario (ON)- Discover the details of the Emerald Retirement Residence located in Niagara Falls, Canada
A Senior’s Guide to Preparing a Home for Sale (ON)- Discover essential tips for seniors on how to effectively declutter before selling a home. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setting goals and organizing belongings to making the home market-ready. Learn strategies for sorting, donating, and selling items, and find support for the emotional aspects of downsizing. Contact Jacqueline Manitaros for expert real estate assistance tailored to seniors.
Safety First: Home Features for Aging in Place (CA)- Aging in place is about allowing seniors to remain in their cherished homes safely and independently as they age. Simple home modifications can make a significant difference, from installing grab bars in bathrooms to adding brighter lighting to prevent accidents. More extensive changes, like barrier-free entryways and wider doorways, enhance mobility for those using walkers or wheelchairs. Non-slip flooring, accessible storage, and task lighting improve daily living safety and convenience. Technology such as medical alert systems and smart home devices offers additional support. In Ontario, financial assistance programs like the Home Accessibility Tax Credit (HATC) and funding from organizations like March of Dimes Canada help manage the costs of these modifications. These resources enable seniors to make necessary changes to their homes, ensuring they can age in place comfortably. For those considering a move, Jacqueline Manitaros, a Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES), offers compassionate guidance and expert advice, ensuring every decision is made with respect. Contact Jacqueline today for your Free Downsizing Guide, including third-party partner recommendations to assist with the process.
Retirement Home Prices In Ontario - What you need to know in 2024 (ON)- An article about the costs of a retirement home in Ontario, looking at fees for 2024.
Medical Alert Systems for Seniors (CA)- Galaxy Medical Alert Systems for seniors - get details and discounts here
Brampton Retirement Home Ashley Oaks Retirement Residence (ON)- Discover Brampton's Ashley Oaks Retirement Residence on
Brampton Retirement Homes Finding Your Senior Living Community (ON)- Compare Retirement Homes In Brampton with SeniorCareAccess
Home Care Services in Mississauga with ComForCare (ON)- ComForCare provides residents of Mississauga with an extensive list of available services
HomeCare services in Mississauga (ON)- Discover ComForCare Mississauga Home Care Services—your trusted partner for compassionate, personalized care. From specialized dementia care to 24/7 live-in support, we empower independence while ensuring safety and comfort. Choose the leading Mississauga home care service provider dedicated to enhancing quality of life for your loved ones.
Toronto’s Top Independent Senior Living: Delmanor Wynford (ON)- Independent senior living offers a lifestyle choice for older adults who desire to maintain an active, engaged, and autonomous lifestyle within a community setting. It is ideal for seniors who are relatively healthy and capable of managing their daily activities without extensive medical assistance.
Essential Tech for Seniors: 10 Devices Recommended by the Delmanor Northtown Living Well Team (ON)- Today's seniors are the first generation to regularly use advanced technology daily.
Discover the Top 5 Wellness Benefits of Retirement Living - Insights from Delmanor Glen Abbey (ON)- Recognizing the benefits of retirement community living can greatly boost both your mental and physical health. Here are five positive ways retirement living can genuinely enhance your overall well-being.
The Benefits of Senior Living Apartments at Delmanor West Village: Where Independence Meets Personalized Support (ON)- Today's seniors are embracing a new era of living that combines independence with personalized support, thanks to the emergence of senior living apartments
Discover Affordable Senior Living at Ashley Oaks Retirement Residence in Brampton (ON)- Retirement homes in Brampton featuring Ashley Oaks Retirement Residence
Delmanor Retirement Living Serving Seniors with an elevated level of service (ON)-
Galaxy Medical Alert Systems: Ensuring Senior Safety and Independence (CA)- Discover how Galaxy Medical Alert Systems empowers Canadian seniors with cutting-edge safety and independence. With advanced fall detection, GPS tracking, and 24/7 emergency support, Galaxy ensures seniors can live confidently at home or on the go. Now in collaboration with SeniorCareAccess, Galaxy offers reliable protection and access to senior housing resources. Stay safe, stay independent. Explore Galaxy Medical Alert Systems today!
Essential Tips for Moving Closer to Your Senior Family Member (CA)- Choosing to move closer to an elderly family member is a significant step that entails both emotional and logistical adjustments.
Independent Living for Rent in Kitchener Waterloo A Comprehensive Guide to Conestoga Lodge (ON)- Discover affordable independent living for rent at Conestoga Lodge in Kitchener. Enjoy private suites, engaging community activities, and flexible care options designed for seniors. Located in a peaceful, yet accessible area of Kitchener-Waterloo, Conestoga Lodge offers a vibrant, welcoming environment tailored to your lifestyle needs.
An Overview Of Long Term Care In Canada 2024 (CA)- Explore a comprehensive overview of long-term care in Canada, covering key questions to ask, application processes by province, roles of hospitals and retirement homes in LTC placement, costs, subsidies, and relevant legislation. Essential reading for professionals supporting seniors in care decisions.
Chateau Glengarry your alternative retirement home near Ottawa, Montreal and Cornwall (CA)- Looking for alternate and affordable retirement homes near Ottawa, Montreal, or Cornwall? Chateau Glengarry in Alexandria, ON offers Independent Living, Assisted Living, Short Stays, Respite Care, and Crisis Admissions. Affordable senior living with top-notch care - contact Chateau Glengarry today!"
Experience Ashley Oaks Retirement Residence: A Family-Run Senior Living Community in Brampton, Ontario (ON)- Located in Brampton, Ontario, easily accessible from Georgetown, Streetsville, and Meadowvale, Ashley Oaks Retirement Residence blends Croatian heritage with modern comfort. Enjoy family-run care, cultural celebrations, and thoughtfully designed senior living spaces.
Campuses of Care in British Columbia: Your In-Depth Guide to Aging in Place with Innovative Seniors Housing (BC)- Learn how Campuses of Care in British Columbia provide a full continuum—independent living, assisted living, and long-term care—in one supportive community..
Caring for the Caregiver: Top Strategies to Avoid Caregiver Burnout (CA)- Learn how to spot caregiver burnout, discover effective self-care strategies, and explore Canadian resources that support caregivers of older adults and individuals with chronic illnesses.
How to Seamlessly Transition to Retirement Living in Canada: Expert Tips and Strategies (CA)- Easily transition to retirement living in Canada with expert tips on financial planning, choosing the right community, downsizing, and maintaining emotional well-being. Visit for comprehensive resources and support.
The Post-Holiday Realization Your Parents Are Aging (CA)- Discover practical tips and compassionate strategies to support aging parents after the holidays. Learn how to recognize signs of decline, start conversations, build care plans, and navigate challenges with SeniorCareAccess resources
How to Choose the Perfect Retirement Residence: 8 Essential Factors (CA)- Discover 8 key factors to consider when choosing a retirement residence in Canada, covering location, care services, budgeting, and more for peace of mind.
The Ultimate Guide to Rightsizing, Downsizing, and Senior Relocation (CA)- Downsize and relocate with ease using our complete guide for Canadian seniors. Discover key strategies, local resources, and helpful tips to ensure a smooth, stress-free move.
Your Guide to Retirement Home Regulations in British Columbia (BC) (BC)- Learn the essential regulations for retirement homes in British Columbia. Find trusted facilities, understand care costs, and protect Canadian seniors’ well-being.
Navigating Senior Housing Options in British Columbia (BC)- Discover comprehensive senior care options in British Columbia—from independent living to home sharing—plus costs, financial assistance, and tips on choosing the right fit.
The Cost of Retirement Living in Canada (CA)- Explore the real costs of retirement living in Canada, including independent living, assisted living, and long-term care options. Get budgeting tips, discover potential subsidies, and learn how to plan for a secure, comfortable future.
Supportive Living in Alberta: Regulations, Levels, and How to Choose the Right Option (AB)- Learn all about supportive living in Alberta, including regulations, care levels, and key standards. Find the perfect supportive living facility tailored to senior needs. Contact us for a free consultation.
Understanding Supportive Living and Retirement Home Legislation in Canada (CA)- Discover which Canadian provinces have legislation governing supportive living and retirement homes. Learn about regulations ensuring safety, quality care, and resident protections for seniors.
Manitoba’s Aging in Place and Senior Strategy: Empowering Seniors to Live Independently (MB)- Discover how Manitoba’s Aging in Place Strategy helps Canadian seniors maintain independence with supportive services, housing options, and community programs.
A Guide to Home Care and Senior Housing Options in Saskatchewan (SK)- Explore updated home care and senior housing options in Saskatchewan with this comprehensive guide. Learn about personal care homes, assisted living, long-term care, and subsidized housing for Canadian seniors.
Saskatchewan Health Authority: Comprehensive Senior Care Services and Regional Contacts (SK)- Discover how the Saskatchewan Health Authority supports seniors with integrated healthcare services. Learn about long-term care, home care, palliative care, and more, plus find regional contact numbers to guide you on your path to a healthier, more independent life in Canada.